

#Whatif schools encouraged teachers to utilize new methodologies and created pathways for innovation all the while providing them air cover?  

In prepping for a 2 day #DEEPdt (i)gnite  workshop  this past fall, I combed through the HHS Ideal Lab site to understand the gist of what it was all about (my Discovery).  The HHS Idea Lab led by Bryan Sivak (a must follow & find a way to hear him speak), once used the below yellow graphic on their site at the time (the blue text is my addition).  Now, my analysis may be a bit to simple or off the mark a bit but I truly hope it is not.

Their quote, "Innovation is a direct result of the freedom to experiment."  is so powerful to me.  I would throw in the word "trust" in this statement as well.   

New Methos. Air Cover. Create Pathways for Innovation.  #Whatif Schools did this for their teachers? Students? Whatif?

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Dive Deep, Gemsmary cantwell