Snaps of the 2-Day #aK12DC Design Summit


The past two days I have had the opportunity to participate in a 2-Day Design Summit by The Atlanta K12 Design Challenge in downtown Atlanta.  It was an honor to be part of this endeavor and also collaborate with some stellar educators/designers that are blooming at a welcome rate in the Atlanta region. I was lucky to design with my Mount Vernon d.TEAM peeps and truly begin to build something that will have legs and impact for our community. Thank you to Laura Deisley, Bob Ryshke, Bo Adams, Shelley Paul, and Scott Sanchez for your efforts, time, vision, and execution of this design movement. I am still digesting and processing this learning experience and I hope to write some nuggets of thought, i.e. Prototype to Learn (not solve at 1st), You don't need more time, just more iterations, The Power of the Bridge (HMW...?), Topic vs HMW... to start, etc.

Until then,  here are some snaps of action shots (mostly via the MV DTeam & slide shots by Scott Sanchez (d.Global + Innovators Atlanta)

Snaps of Peeps in Action

[cycloneslider id="snaps-of-ak12dc-design-summit-action-shots"]

Snaps of Slides

[cycloneslider id="snaps-of-slides-via-ak12dc-design-summit"]


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