#DEEPdt Why #edcamp Matters Challenge #Edcampsummit #EdcampOSATL16

This week, I was asked to lead/facilitate an abbreviated #DEEPdt exercise around the idea of "Why #Edcamp matters?" at the Atlanta #EdcampOSatl (organizers' summit) for around 75 people. In talking with Shannon Montague (Board Member of Edcamp Foundation & a Fellow NAIS Teacher of the Future peep), she framed it in this way...

"The big question for the summit is "Why edcamp matters?" So something like How might we share the importance of edcamp? or How might we envision the future of edcamp?"

And being a constant prototyper, I offered up some reframes:

"HMW communicate/share/show the value of Edcamp to learning?"

"HMW... communicate/share/show the value Edcamp IS for learning?"

Shannon gave me the greenlight to go for what I felt was best for the allotted 45 min at the very end of the two day Summit (yes, the very end- a tough time slot for mind fatiguing design thinking).

In sharing my #DEEPdt exercise & slide deck with the great Shelley Paul about 70 minutes before I was LIVE in front of these education legends, a major iteration occurred.  Based off of feedback from Shelley, I realized that I was stuffing too much in to the 45 minutes (a thing I do) as well as offering up a pretty meaty topic "the value of Edcamp is for learning" for too short of a time span (a thing I do as well). 

So, the #DEEPdt exercise reverted to the topic of "Why Edcamp matters?" and that made all the difference.   Common language and articulating/communicating why Edcamp matters is a very important need for Edcamp participants to convey to their colleagues and administrators who either don't understand or see its value to professional development.

Below are snapshots of the 45 minutes (yes, in 45 minutes a very abbreviated & hacked (thanks Shelley Paul) #DEEPdt design cycle was experienced... Utilizing the #DEEPdt Pocket-Guide  and this #DEEPdt slide deck )

Side Note:  I am not a hard-core Edcamper (I have participated in a couple Edcamps) but it is not because I don't buy-in of the concept.  It simply is because of time constraints on Saturday mornings.  In fact, I believe the Edcamp model is one of the most valuable professional develop opportunities educators have available to them and its foolish to know schools & school districts have not embraced this concept more fully and regularly (food is cheap, learning is priceless).  To me, its the human-connection that is the value of Edcamp for learning. That is why Edcamp matters. 

Also, as a riff to the Edcamp model, I created DEEPed.  I look forward to running a DEEPed one day soon--- any takers in the ATL?